Student Solution


"Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world”
– Nelson Mandela

1 University

1 Course

1 Subject

Deliverable 3

Deliverable 3

Q Competency Create individual strategies for self-management. Student Success Criteria View the grading rubric for this deliverable by selecting the “This item is graded with a rubric” link, which is located in the Details & Information pane. Scenario You are a newly promoted manager for one of the business units in your organization. As such, you need to consider how to manage yourself before you can really manage others. You need to think about what your personal and professional stress levels are--what might be the breaking points between succeeding and failing? How can I manage that stress? What emotions come to light that could be viewed as positive or negative? How else can I get my message across? Instructions Based on your evaluation of your individual tendencies, you have decided to prepare a self-management plan. You need to include the following in your plan document: 1. What are some early warning signs that you should be aware of to avoid a setback? 2. What are some negative or positive beliefs about worrying or failing you need to consider? 3. What situational problems are there to consider? (i.e. deadlines, exams, large groups of people, public speaking) 4. What does your future support system look like? (i.e. mentors, coaches, professionals, groups, associations, etc.) 5. What techniques or strategies are needed to help overcome these challenges? Choose three and explain how they will help overcome your discussed challenges.

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Expanding your responsibility can eventually bring about more stress at work. Stress is "the unfavorable reaction individuals need to unreasonable tensions and requests put on them," as indicated by the Health and Security executive. One of every five individuals who work experiences some type of working environment stress, yet unnecessary stress can make adverse consequences. This sort of stress can adversely affect your work efficiency as well as your physical and profound health. It might feel like you have zero power over this stress since it is welcomed by outside powers. Nonetheless, the genuine key to dealing with this stress is you. Your stress can be decreased by focusing on the ability to appreciate individuals on a profound level of expertise of self-administration.